Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Destiny Weekly Reset May 31st, 2016

Let’s start off with the weekly Nightfall for this week which is the Sunless Cell Strike.

Since the April update the Nightfalls have gotten a bit harder, not in terms of overall enemies or difficulty but more so in terms of Light Level. The NEW recommended Light Level for the weekly Nightfall is 320. This is due to the fact that the new max Light Level was increased to 335 with the April update. If you were already 320 before the April update, the Nightfall should be only be slightly more difficult, barely noticeable if you are 320. The problem arises if you are below 320, then you can still do it, depending on what Light Level you are, you just have to be more cautious and take your time with it.

From my personal experience every 5 Light Levels makes the biggest difference, so if you are 315 you should be able to complete the nightfall with some struggles. At 310 it becomes MUCH more difficult as you will find yourself dying more often, depending on the special perks of the nightfall. Being 320 doesn’t guarantee that the nightfall will be easier; it just means that you have more of a margin for error. Similarly being ABOVE 320 Light level and closer to the max of 335 gives you an even greater advantage for the nightfall and you should really have no trouble whatsoever doing it at those Light Levels.

With that in mind the nightfall this week isn’t the toughest strike so it should be fairly easy to complete even with 310-320 Light Levels.

The perks for this week’s Nightfall include:

Epic – As with any Nightfall, Enemies are heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.

Berserk – Minions of the Darkness won’t flinch, even after massive damage. This one is a bit of an annoyance as you can usually stop an enemy from shooting at you by staggering them, but if they don’t flinch then they will keep on firing away at you till you are dead. This one just forces the player to play with more cation is all.

Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored. This is also a really good perk as the Hung Jury dominates PvE at the moment. If you don’t have the Hung Jury then something like the Zhalo Supercell, Tlaloc or any other high impact weapon will also be almost as good. The Zhalo has a perk that chains lightning to mobs of enemies and can be useful for the boss encounter.

Chaff – Player radar is disabled. This one is not too bad as long as you have done the Strike numerous times going the right direction won’t be too much of problem. The BIGGER problem is you can’t see enemies on your radar and can quickly become surrounded if you are not paying attention or are scoped into your sniper.

Airborne - Players deal more damage while in the air. This one can be good and bad. While you CAN do more damage from the air, you are also a much easier target in the air. Luckily PvE enemies aren’t that smart or accurate enough to take advantage of this but beware of snipers and they will still pick you out of the air just as they do when you are grounded.

The Sunless Cell Strike isn’t the toughest Strike in the world but there are a few things you need to watch out for especially on Nightfall. The majority of enemies, if not all of the enemies, are Taken but can sometimes also have a few Hive enemies especially during the boss fight. With that said the most troublesome of the lot are definitely the Boomer Knights, Witches and Shriekers. The Boomer Knights hit hard and are extremely aggressive on Nightfall. The witches will attack aggressively AND keep attacking incessantly. Getting surrounded by a few knights and witches will ensure you’ll be dead in no time. The same goes for the Shriekers, whose attacks really hurt on nightfall, hence it is important to take your time and try and shoot them down from behind cover with a sniper or possibly a heavy weapons as well. A key thing to remember is that after a Shrieker dies it has an attack that follows you for some time, running away a certain distance will ensure your survival while getting hit by that attack will probably mean certain death especially on nightfall.

The boss itself is a huge Hive knight named Alak Kul and a good sniper like a 1000 Yard stare or Black Spindle would be the weapon of choice along some heavy weapons like the raid machine gun. It is easy enough to shoot the boss from a distance or from behind cover when there are no adds around but get too close to him and he will absolutely melee you in the face which is almost always a one shot kill.

Like I mentioned not the hardest nightfall by any means but certainly a few things to look out for. This Nightfall will also have an increased chance to drop a Strike specific Fusion Rifle and a Strike Specific Titan helmet which resembles the bosses head.

As far as PvP for this week, we have Inferno Rumble which is more of a solo Crucible activity unlike Iron Banner which has just ended sadly, which some people hate and some people love depending on their playstyle. Regardless of whether or not you like Rumble you should consider playing a few games or at the very least one game, in order to get your Weekly Sterling Treasure Chest.

Lord Shaxx and Petra will also have new bounties for the week so remember to check them out as well.

Since the April update, there is a new weekly activity called Challenge of Elders and the bounties and event Sigil is handed out by Variks each week. These reset on a weekly basis and will usually be different levels and bosses on a week to week bases. The bounties will also ask you to complete different tasks for each of the three bounties from week to week. The rewards for these are really good and can even go up to 335 Light Level.

Remember to collect your Sterling Treasure Chest from the postmaster as well as 1 from doing the Prison of Elders Level 41 once this week and then another Treasure Chest for doing the weekly Crucible activity.



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