Thursday, March 24, 2016

New Challenges for April Update detailed by Bungie

Earlier this week Bungie announced that there would be an update scheduled for April 12th, 2016. They also mentioned other dates where more information about the April update would be revealed in parts via their Twitch stream and those dates were:

March 23rd, 2016 – New Challenges

March 30th, 2016 – New Rewards

April 6th, 2016 - New Live Updates

Well Bungie had the first of their livestreams yesterday on March 23rd, 2016 where they outlined a number of New Challenges as well as other changes to come in April. 

One of the biggest changes announced was an increase to Max Light Level from the previous light level of 320 to 335. It’s not the biggest increase in the world but I was previously struggling to even make it past 315 let alone reach 320 so this update will definitely be interesting.

Along with the increase in Max Light Level comes the increased difficulty in Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx, Heroic Strikes, Nightfall Strikes, and King’s Fall Raid. However, to compensate the players for this increased difficulty there will also be new rewards for all the previously mentioned modes as well as Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris.

Another change I was extremely happy to see was an Updated Prison of Elders. There will be eight new bosses added to a Level 41 version of Prison of Elders alongside Taken enemies. It looks like there will be updated rewards in terms of armor as well for completing weekly challenges. There is also a new score tracking system for the new Prison of Elders game mode and as such provides increased incentive for players to bring their A game each week.

Additional updates detailed was the new ‘Blighted Chalice Strike’ on the Dreadnaught with a new Taken boss encounter. There also seems to be another strike called ‘Winter’s Run’ which seems to be a Taken variation of the Archon Priest Strike to be included in the April update.

Lastly Kingsfall Normal drops will be increased to light level 320 and Kingsfall Hard drops increased to light level 330 and Court of Oryx Artifact drops increased to Light level 335.

The above changes to Destiny Taken King in April are certainly a pleasant welcome and even though I’m not sure how I feel about the Max Light Level increase I’m sure it’s ALSO a pleasant welcome for many of the veterans of the Destiny community.

I am especially looking forward to the New Rewards stream which will be hosted by Bungie on March 30th, 2016 as there could possibly be new armor and weapons to obtain in Destiny, maybe even a new Exotic weapon or two. Not to say that there is currently a lack of exotics to obtain but it would be awesome if they either added a completely new Exotic weapon for example OR bought back an exotic from Year 1 which doesn’t already have a Year 2 version like the Thorn or Gjallarhorn. One can always dream I suppose.

In the meantime a good idea would be to stock up on Treasure Keys for the Queen’s Chest from PoE as they could come in handy for the April update.



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